CFP Council
The Community Farms Program Council guides the development and delivery of the overall Community Farms Program, and helps us stay community-led. The Council is administered by FFCF.
Members of the Council include farmers, CFP stakeholders, and representatives from CFP partners. Current members are:
Heather Pritchard, FarmFolk/CityFolk
Heather Pritchard is the Executive Director of FarmFolk/CityFolk Society. She has over 40 years experience assisting non-profits, cooperatives and small businesses with financial planning, organizational development and personnel management. She is a member of Fraser Common Farm Cooperative, a founder of Glorious Organics Cooperative, a member of the Metro Vancouver Agricultural Advisory Committee, a founding member of the Vancouver Food Policy Council, the co-chair of the Agricultural Land Reserve–Protection and Enhancement Committee, and a Director of the BC Food Systems Network.
Ramona Scott
Ramona Scott oversees TLC’s agricultural Conservation Partners Program, Education and Outreach Programs, and Community Farms Program, and plays a major role in acquiring new farms. She is committed to TLC’s mandate to protect the future of the farming for local food production and conservation of its natural biodiversity. Ramona has 40 years’ combined work experience in park planning and management; eco-tourism; nature conservation; natural foods retail; producer cooperatives; native plant landscaping; and agriculture. She has a BA in Geography; graduate studies in Forestry and Outdoor Recreation Resource Studies, and an MA in Culture and Geo-Justice. She is a certified B.C. Environmental Farm Planning Advisor.
Jen Cody, BC Food Systems Network
Jen Cody is an experienced adult educator, working with families with special needs for 10 years. She holds a Masters degree in Health Science and Nutrition, and is a registered dietitian and child birth educator. Jen chairs the BC Food Systems Network, developing local sustainable food systems provincially, and works on aboriginal food issues through the Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty and the Vancouver Island Traditional Food Network. Locally, Jen is active as a board member for the Nanaimo Community Gardens Society and with Nanaimo FoodLink. Jen has a strong commitment to community-based agriculture and helping people participate in collectively-run agriculture endeavours.
Craig Evans, Providence Farm
Craig Evans has been involved in agriculture and food security issues for almost 25 years. He is the founder of Nanaimo Community Gardens and Nanaimo Foodshare, serves as a Director with Island Farmers Alliance, and is a member of the Regional District of Nanaimo's Agricultural Advisory Committee and the BC Food Systems Network. Craig is the Market Garden Manager at Providence Farm, and is a member of Growing Opportunities Cooperative, a new community farm group in the Cowichan Valley.
Barbara Joughin, FarmFolk/CityFolk
Barbara is a professional writer providing documentation services and project management to nonprofit organizations, business, and government through her business, AAA WordSmith. She has collaborated in diverse community education and involvement initiatives for over 25 years as staff, volunteer and Board member. Barbara is a past member of the Vancouver Food Policy Council, where she recently led the development of Vancouver's food charter and a study on Vancouver's food security. She is also a trained chef, a certified electronic communications technician, and herbalist.
Robin Tunnicliffe, Feisty Fields Farms/ Saanich Organics
Robin is a financially-successful farmer currently completing a Master’s degree on the economics of small-scale agriculture at the University of Victoria. Robin develops farm business resources for the Community Farms Program.
Dr. Hannah Wittman, Simon Fraser University
Hannah is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Simon Fraser University. She conducts research with community farms in Brazil, Guatemala and British Columbia.
Last Modified: August 25, 2015